Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh the joys of life :)

Little things that effect us in a BIG way!
So have you ever just had those things that just make your day? Like a goodmorning text or finding money in your pockets you didn’t know was there? Well here is a list of things that are just plain Awesome.:)
 Flowers you didn’t expect. An extra half-hour of sleep.A new recipe that comes out perfectly. Something so funny it makes you laugh out loud NOT lol. Bittersweet memories. Listening to music. Henry Crouch Photography
Funny movies, sad movies, movies in general. Cold drink of water on a hot day. Fast cars. Haha Dominic! Swimming in freezing water then getting in the hot tub then getting right back in the cold pool.

Sticking your foot in the door just before it closes. That bite with all the toppings in it.When everyone you’re eating with at the restaurant agrees you made the best choice. Having a staring contest with a baby. Kids helping their little brother or sister across the street. When a deadline is extended unexpectedly. Car dancing. The sound of a golf ball falling into the cup. Sundays.

.Realizing you still remember the words to a song you haven’t heard in years. Hearing someone’s heartbeat. Calling shotgun! Eating the first freshly baked cookie from the oven even though it’s way too hot..HIGH FIVES! Twisting the lid off the jar after nobody else could.

Picking things up with your feet.The moment of anticipation just before the first kiss. When everything suddenly just clicks. Sharing. Nailing that perfect move. Laughing so hard you start crying.
 Star gazing. Family. Friends. Snow cones. The last day of school. Water fights. Drive in's. Golfing. Cheerleading. Future. Happniess. Pulling all nighters. Fire works!. Rain. Thunderstorms!.Dropping your phone on the side walk and then realizing its perfectly fine.sleeping. Meeting new people.  

Saying ‘See you next year!’ to everyone on new year’s eve and then laughing hysterically. Lazing on the couch after a big holiday feast. The first snowfall of the season. Backing your car in. Seeing old people holding hands. Driving home from a long trip and getting all your radio stations back. Being next
A small victory. A HUGE victory. Just that feeling of satisfaction :)

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