Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and realize what you deserve."

Who ever said breaking down every now an then is a bad thing? No one can keep everything bottled up forever. Expecially me, even though I sure do try to. Being strong all the time just makes it harder and harder on yourself. Never let things go unsaid. Sometimes the things that go unsaid are the things that could change the most. Say what you feel and ask as many questions as you can because in this life you need to live it the best you can and the fullest you can.
It's a sad thing when you think you know someone so much then right before your eyes they change. Why do people change.. I know that seems like a silly question but why do people act differently around other people. I'm sure I am one of those people, I admit it. Even though I admit it doesn't mean I like it. It doesn't mean that it is right. If I do act that way then I really hope that I change. I really do try to be myself always though.. I guess somedays we have bad days or other days we just don't feel good but..Why can't we just be who we really are and not try to be someone people like. Have you ever felt like you knew someone..then they changed..or has someone ever told you something that compleatly changed your view on something else. It's hard..but it's life..We all try and change to be something or someone who we think is better but in all actuality the person we really are is the best person we could ever want or even ammount to be..

Monday, March 28, 2011

Enjoy it. Because it's happening.

So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. I am a typical teenage girl, yet I am special.. I have different likes and dislikes from other people but I am me.. An there is only one me as far as I know ha. I have a family which I care for so much, and friends that have had my back and been by my side throughout the good and the bad. Thank you so much to all of them who have put up with me for all these years. :) I am grateful for all of the things you guys have done for me and I love all the memories we have made! More to come! :)  I have my problems and in no way am I perfect nor do I want to be. I have my share of mistakes but I have learned some of the best things from those mistakes. Making mistakes in life, or watching others do something that didn't turn out in the most delightful way is how we learn and grow, which I am doing. I am grateful for the trials I have in my life even if at the time I say how much I feel they are not necessary. They have made me who I am. I'm growing up.. I'm changing. I am scared to death. This summer will be my last summer before I am a senior. wow.. I will be a senior. Soon all the the seniors of this year that I believe I have become so close with won't be there.. I wish them all the best in everything they do and I hope that we stay close! You all are going to be be so great and accomplish anything you set your minds to! I'm so thankful to have met all of you. Thank all of you seniors for setting such great examples for the juniors and sophomores. I know the school year isn't over yet but I just wanna say thanks again for a great time!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Here's to the future!

No matter how frightened and discouraged I may become about the future, I look forward to it. In spite of everything I see all around me every day, I have a shaky assurance that everything will turn out fine; and I don’t think I’m the only one. Why else would the phrase “Everything is alright” ease a troubled place in so many of us? We just don’t know, we never know, yet we have so much faith. We hold our hands over our hurts and lean forward. It is how we keep on, this kind of hope. So don't bury your head in your pillow scared to grow up. Look forward to it an look forward to suprising everyone when they see how ready you are even if your not.